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Tiny Star


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GDWT OMG!!! Jumat, 14 Juni 2013 0 notes


gak guna juga sih ya ribut ribut begini, aku aja gak bisa nonton konsernya T^T
ini aku mau bagi-bagi biografinya GD smp akhirnya ngadain GD World Tour [One Of A kind]

  • The leader and producer of BIGBANG. The very person that has produced lots of hit songs of BIGBANG . Cultivating the ability as a trainee of YG Entertainment from the age of 13, G-Dragon has grown as the main producer of YG and contributed much to success of BIGBANG.

  • His first solo album released in 2009 recorded the album sales record of up to 300,000 discs and demonstrated unlimited potential as a solo singer with the largest sales record as a sole male singer for the year.

  • His sense of fashion also attracts attention of people in addition to music. Costume, shoes and accessories of G-Dragon at the stage are instantly sold out or bring in copy products, demonstrating the attraction as a trendsetter of the fashion industry. In addition, G-Dragon is also loved much overseas as he is the only person selected as “50 Reasons Why Seoul is the Best City” by CNN.

  • G-Dragon, decided to release a solo album. On September 15, 2012, he released his first mini-album (second solo release) entitled One of a Kind The mini-album spawned three singles, one of which topped the charts.

  • The album was critically and commercially acclaimed, selling over 210,000 copies as well as being nominated for the 10th Korean Music Awards among others, winning accolades such as Record of the Year from the Seoul Music Awards

  • The G-Dragon 2013 1st World Tour: One of a Kind is a 2013 worldwide concert tour held by South Korean rapper, G-Dragon The tour promotes G-Dragon’s first EP and latest release, One of a Kind. This will be G-Dragon’s second solo concert tour and first worldwide tour. It will also mark the first time a South Korean solo artist has toured four of Japan’s domes. The tour will consist of 26 show in 8 countries and 13 cities . is set to kick off on March 30 at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul, South Korea.

ini tiketnya OwO

ini tiket versi promo bank meganya(?)

    dan ini konsep panggungnya'3' aku mau banget itu yang di bagian yellow<3<3
    (duwike mbahmu a in-_-) buset ya 2 juta uang darimana coba aja aku anak presiden ato
    anak pak jokowi gitu beuh gak cuma GD, taemin, siwon, sehun bias2 aku semua udh
    pernah ketemu;;; yaudahlah main rp aja(?)

yang bikin potek itu ya, yang jadi guest star di GDWT itu si TOP si choi seunghyun rapper terkece, terganteng yang pernah ada, gak ada yg bisa ngegantiin suara bassnya itu *alay in alay plis-_- 
yaa pokoknya si free talk kakao talk itu jadi guest starnya<///3 jadi kepengen bgt elah nonton GDWT;;;;
semoga aja ada stasiun tv yang nayangin GDWT amiiiiiiin:""") 

btw katanya myaw sih ada satu lagi yang jadi guest starnya GDWT entah itu Dara atau CL sebenernya sih karena aku shippernya daragon sm tabisan aku lbh pengen dara ada di GDWT tapi pikiranku sih CL abisnya dia kan abis comeback kayaknya bakalan dia deh._. 
ngomong2 combacknya CL with "the baddest female" aku smp skrg msh yaa agak gimana gitu sama sone yang bilang cl tiru tiru snsd yang IGAB, darimananya weh darimananya-_- perasaan CL duluan deh yang daridulu emang stylenya swag, lagian menurutku lho ya menurutku (no bash) IGAB itu mirip sama lagunya GD yang crayon loh n_n peace ya peace ini cuma pendapatku doang oke!

oke kembali lagi ke GDWT, konser leader bigbang (lopelope<33/?) ini dipromotori sama Big Daddy Entertainment dan tempatnya di Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol.

aslinya aku ngepost gini ini udah telaaaaaaaaaat banget saking lamanya aku gak buka blog--v bahkan itu tiket udah diperjual belikan semenjak 7 April dan pengumuman GDWT udah diumumin sejak 24 Maret kmrn abis konsernya Demi Lovato.

yaa tapi gapapalah ini kan bentuk ketidaksabaran menunggu GDWT mulaaaai<3 pokoknya entah itu sctv, trans tv, atopun rcti fardhu ain/? nayangin GDWT c:<

okedeh sekian dari aku and enjoy your day! 

/backsound gd-michigo diputar/? ~~
